Sunday, September 12, 2021

Life Update 12.9.2021


A simple life update, because my mental said so. I need to confess or convey something so my mental health is going to be okay...which is not right now.

I don't know what is actually happened to me, mentally I am not okay. Sekarang macam senang triggered with something, and i don't like that. Orang naikkan suara sekit aku dah haru...I am tired and exhausted. My anxiety mencanak naik. 

Walaupun aku tak pernah counselling pasal mental health ni dengan golongan profesional but i did know aku macam depressed. Lagikan aku ni jenis secretive, insecured and introvert semua benda takut, sebab nanti orang mengata. Teringan nak seek to them, but i don't know how.

and that's my story :)

Long story short i am tired physically and mentally.