Sunday, February 4, 2018

Dear my life

Peace be upon to you

Hey guys!

I just wanna share this GIF because i'm pretty damn down.
Haha, and i like GIF very much, it's gave me an air (oxygen) for breathing and it's really felt like somebody out there also got a hard time surviving in this world too, which meant it's not only me. Semua orang ada masa susah, ada masa senang. Kalau asyik senang je macam tak survival la kan hidup kat dunia ni. Tak berwarnalah jalan hidup kita. Itulah yang dinamakan ujian hidup sebagai seorang hamba. 

Selepas pahit, pasti ada manisnya. Ianya mungkin mengambil masa yang cukup lama untuk kita survive, but no matter what happened in your life, believe in your faith and never give up, keep praying to God, Allah The Almighty. Semakin kita dekat dengan-Nya, semakin tenteram hati kita. Allah knew what's better for us and we just a mere human.  

Image result for al-baqarah 286

 For those people out there, keep strong and be wild. 

I'll be always with you. 

Even though i'm not beside you right now.

Don't give up Yun!

We must survive
Even if you're tired
Even if your heart torn apart
Keep your faith tightly

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